Hey Class of 2010: You better get on the ball with the summer reading! September is 6 weeks away!
Read ONE book from EACH list:
Please choose one book from this list:
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama
Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama
It Takes a Village by Hillary Rodham Clinton
Living History by Hillary Rodham Clinton
Faith of my Fathers by John McCain
Why Courage Matters by John McCain
Please choose one book from this list:
Hurricane: The Miraculous Journey of Rubin Carter by James S. Hirsch
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Clayborne Carson
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
Uncle Tom's Cabin (Bantam Classics) by Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley
Profiles in Courage (Perennial Classics) by John Fitzgerald Kennedy
John Adams by David McCullough
American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson by Joseph J. Ellis
Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Joseph J. Ellis
Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose
Gone for Soldiers: A Novel of the Mexican War by Jeff Shaara
The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
Friday, July 11, 2008
Summer Reading
Please choose one book from this list:
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama
Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama
It Takes a Village by Hillary Rodham Clinton
Living History by Hillary Rodham Clinton
Faith of my Fathers by John McCain
Why Courage Matters by John McCain
Please choose one book from this list:
Hurricane: The Miraculous Journey of Rubin Carter by James S. Hirsch
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Clayborne Carson
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
Uncle Tom's Cabin (Bantam Classics) by Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley
Profiles in Courage (Perennial Classics) by John Fitzgerald Kennedy
John Adams by David McCullough
American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson by Joseph J. Ellis
Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Joseph J. Ellis
Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose
Gone for Soldiers: A Novel of the Mexican War by Jeff Shaara
The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama
Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama
It Takes a Village by Hillary Rodham Clinton
Living History by Hillary Rodham Clinton
Faith of my Fathers by John McCain
Why Courage Matters by John McCain
Please choose one book from this list:
Hurricane: The Miraculous Journey of Rubin Carter by James S. Hirsch
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Clayborne Carson
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
Uncle Tom's Cabin (Bantam Classics) by Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley
Profiles in Courage (Perennial Classics) by John Fitzgerald Kennedy
John Adams by David McCullough
American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson by Joseph J. Ellis
Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Joseph J. Ellis
Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose
Gone for Soldiers: A Novel of the Mexican War by Jeff Shaara
The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
Saturday, June 21, 2008
American Landmarks
Browse all of the buildings listed on the website and choose one that you love or hate.
After choosing one building that they love or hate from the list, students will research the historical significance and style of their building:
• http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~twp/architecture/
• http://www.greatbuildings.com/
Choose whether the building should be included, excluded, moved up, or moved down on the list of “America’s Favorite Architecture.”
Alternate: Pick your choice for number one and write a defense as to why your building is the “Quintessential American Landmark”.
After choosing one building that they love or hate from the list, students will research the historical significance and style of their building:
• http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~twp/architecture/
• http://www.greatbuildings.com/
Choose whether the building should be included, excluded, moved up, or moved down on the list of “America’s Favorite Architecture.”
Alternate: Pick your choice for number one and write a defense as to why your building is the “Quintessential American Landmark”.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Service Learning: May 27-May 30
1. REFLECT on your INDEPENDENT service experience. BLOG about how you were changed by the experience (ideas, stereotypes), and what you did to help change the situation. Papers showing completion of 15 hrs are due to Ms. Klose by Fri. May 30th.
2. PLAN for extended (90 minute) service meetings on Wed. May 28 and Thurs. June 5th. Any research, links, pictures, diagrams, information should also be posted to your blog.
3. Catch up on all/any missing blog posts. Make sure your reflections are complete and professional.
4. PLAN for next year's service learning. Brainstorm ideas to share with your group.
Some IDEAS for Extended Service Time:
Africa Group: Contact the NCC about possibility of another event like the awareness week they did last summer: http://www.constitutioncenter.org/PressRoom/PressReleases/2007_06_28_17784.shtml
Contact/trip to African American Museum to discuss possible partnership in raising money and awareness for Darfur.
Community Giving: Contact about tour, partnership, other opportunities for helping area children.
Children's Aid Society
Address: 1315 Walnut St., Suite 1004 Phone: (215) 546-2990
Children's Service, Inc.
Address: 1315 Walnut St., 3rd Fl., Philadelphia, PA, 19107 Phone: (215) 546-3503
Childhood Cancer- go to McCall or another outdoor area and assess, fact-find for planning if it would be a good place to have a fundraiser/fair in the fall.
Fundred:Contact Ballard Spahr about visiting their print shop and possibility of assisting with printing of Fundred materials. Contact printers and visit with presentation re; donations. Marathon, 215 238 1100, 9 N. 3rd Street;
Sir Speedy printers (215) 627-2777, 47 N 8th Street
Garden- Take the bus down to the Lowe's on Delaware Ave and price soil, containers, plants, and other materials. Go back to NCC and make detailed sketches.
Homelessness: Contact The Employment Project ( Leona Smith, 246 Arch Street, Phone: 215-923-1694) about meeting with her and finding out about the program. Take a trip to one of the shelters you have researched. Take a trip to Kmart and price the cost of creating a care package, and talk to Kmart management about discounts.
Language/Seniors: Plan a trip to St George's retirement home.
Contact the Rittenhouse Care Center re: trip, partnership: 1526 Lombard St
Philadelphia, PA 19106, (215) 735-0243
Library: Trip to Central Branch. Trip to Borders (Broad and Chestnut) to price and find high interest books. Trip to Independence branch. Work on projects at school library.
Nutrition: Walk up to the Superfresh at 5th and Locust. Price a variety of items (fruit, veggies, lunchmeat, bread, milk, junk food). Ask the manager why food prices have gone up, why fresh fruit is more expensive than junk food, why organic is 2x more expensive than conventional fruit. Determine the cost of healthily feeding a family of four for one week.
PSA/NHD: Contact Masterman HS about collaboration/sharing tips for successful NHD projects. Trip to the National Archives for tips for planning projects.
Pollution/Silent Killers: Contact Bureau of Consumer Protection--Philadelphia Branch about a tour/discussion.
Address: 21 S. 12th St., 2nd Fl., Philadelphia, PA, 19107 Phone: (215) 560-2414
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Address: 701 Market St., Philadelphia, PA, 19106 Phone: (215) 597-9105
Recycling: Visit a recycling center. Take a trip to one of the community groups dedicated to improving air/water/recyling efforts, listed at http://www.cleanair.org/recyclingalliance/about_us.html
School Store: Take a trip to Kmart to brainstorm and price items for the school store. Contact local businesses about partnerships.
Tutoring: Contact Center for Literacy re: a tour and scheduling tutor training.
Center City/South
1315 Walnut St.
15th Floor
Contact: Scott Bostwick
Session 1: Tues. June 10
2. PLAN for extended (90 minute) service meetings on Wed. May 28 and Thurs. June 5th. Any research, links, pictures, diagrams, information should also be posted to your blog.
3. Catch up on all/any missing blog posts. Make sure your reflections are complete and professional.
4. PLAN for next year's service learning. Brainstorm ideas to share with your group.
Some IDEAS for Extended Service Time:
Africa Group: Contact the NCC about possibility of another event like the awareness week they did last summer: http://www.constitutioncenter.org/PressRoom/PressReleases/2007_06_28_17784.shtml
Contact/trip to African American Museum to discuss possible partnership in raising money and awareness for Darfur.
Community Giving: Contact about tour, partnership, other opportunities for helping area children.
Children's Aid Society
Address: 1315 Walnut St., Suite 1004 Phone: (215) 546-2990
Children's Service, Inc.
Address: 1315 Walnut St., 3rd Fl., Philadelphia, PA, 19107 Phone: (215) 546-3503
Childhood Cancer- go to McCall or another outdoor area and assess, fact-find for planning if it would be a good place to have a fundraiser/fair in the fall.
Fundred:Contact Ballard Spahr about visiting their print shop and possibility of assisting with printing of Fundred materials. Contact printers and visit with presentation re; donations. Marathon, 215 238 1100, 9 N. 3rd Street;
Sir Speedy printers (215) 627-2777, 47 N 8th Street
Garden- Take the bus down to the Lowe's on Delaware Ave and price soil, containers, plants, and other materials. Go back to NCC and make detailed sketches.
Homelessness: Contact The Employment Project ( Leona Smith, 246 Arch Street, Phone: 215-923-1694) about meeting with her and finding out about the program. Take a trip to one of the shelters you have researched. Take a trip to Kmart and price the cost of creating a care package, and talk to Kmart management about discounts.
Language/Seniors: Plan a trip to St George's retirement home.
Contact the Rittenhouse Care Center re: trip, partnership: 1526 Lombard St
Philadelphia, PA 19106, (215) 735-0243
Library: Trip to Central Branch. Trip to Borders (Broad and Chestnut) to price and find high interest books. Trip to Independence branch. Work on projects at school library.
Nutrition: Walk up to the Superfresh at 5th and Locust. Price a variety of items (fruit, veggies, lunchmeat, bread, milk, junk food). Ask the manager why food prices have gone up, why fresh fruit is more expensive than junk food, why organic is 2x more expensive than conventional fruit. Determine the cost of healthily feeding a family of four for one week.
PSA/NHD: Contact Masterman HS about collaboration/sharing tips for successful NHD projects. Trip to the National Archives for tips for planning projects.
Pollution/Silent Killers: Contact Bureau of Consumer Protection--Philadelphia Branch about a tour/discussion.
Address: 21 S. 12th St., 2nd Fl., Philadelphia, PA, 19107 Phone: (215) 560-2414
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Address: 701 Market St., Philadelphia, PA, 19106 Phone: (215) 597-9105
Recycling: Visit a recycling center. Take a trip to one of the community groups dedicated to improving air/water/recyling efforts, listed at http://www.cleanair.org/recyclingalliance/about_us.html
School Store: Take a trip to Kmart to brainstorm and price items for the school store. Contact local businesses about partnerships.
Tutoring: Contact Center for Literacy re: a tour and scheduling tutor training.
Center City/South
1315 Walnut St.
15th Floor
Contact: Scott Bostwick
Session 1: Tues. June 10
Service Learning: May 27-May 30
1. REFLECT on your INDEPENDENT service experience. BLOG about how you were changed by the experience (ideas, stereotypes), and what you did to help change the situation. Papers showing completion of 15 hrs are due to Ms. Klose by Fri. May 30th.
2. PLAN for extended (90 minute) service meetings on Wed. May 28 and Thurs. June 5th. Any research, links, pictures, diagrams, information should also be posted to your blog.
3. Catch up on all/any missing blog posts. Make sure your reflections are complete and professional.
4. PLAN for next year's service learning. Brainstorm ideas to share with your group.
Some IDEAS for Extended Service Time:
Africa Group: Contact the NCC about possibility of another event like the awareness week they did last summer: http://www.constitutioncenter.org/PressRoom/PressReleases/2007_06_28_17784.shtml
Contact/trip to African American Museum to discuss possible partnership in raising money and awareness for Darfur.
Community Giving: Contact about tour, partnership, other opportunities for helping area children.
Children's Aid Society
Address: 1315 Walnut St., Suite 1004 Phone: (215) 546-2990
Children's Service, Inc.
Address: 1315 Walnut St., 3rd Fl., Philadelphia, PA, 19107 Phone: (215) 546-3503
Childhood Cancer- go to McCall or another outdoor area and assess, fact-find for planning if it would be a good place to have a fundraiser/fair in the fall.
Fundred:Contact Ballard Spahr about visiting their print shop and possibility of assisting with printing of Fundred materials. Contact printers and visit with presentation re; donations. Marathon, 215 238 1100, 9 N. 3rd Street;
Sir Speedy printers (215) 627-2777, 47 N 8th Street
Garden- Take the bus down to the Lowe's on Delaware Ave and price soil, containers, plants, and other materials. Go back to NCC and make detailed sketches.
Homelessness: Contact The Employment Project ( Leona Smith, 246 Arch Street, Phone: 215-923-1694) about meeting with her and finding out about the program. Take a trip to one of the shelters you have researched. Take a trip to Kmart and price the cost of creating a care package, and talk to Kmart management about discounts.
Language/Seniors: Plan a trip to St George's retirement home.
Contact the Rittenhouse Care Center re: trip, partnership: 1526 Lombard St
Philadelphia, PA 19106, (215) 735-0243
Library: Trip to Central Branch. Trip to Borders (Broad and Chestnut) to price and find high interest books. Trip to Independence branch. Work on projects at school library.
Nutrition: Walk up to the Superfresh at 5th and Locust. Price a variety of items (fruit, veggies, lunchmeat, bread, milk, junk food). Ask the manager why food prices have gone up, why fresh fruit is more expensive than junk food, why organic is 2x more expensive than conventional fruit. Determine the cost of healthily feeding a family of four for one week.
PSA/NHD: Contact Masterman HS about collaboration/sharing tips for successful NHD projects. Trip to the National Archives for tips for planning projects.
Pollution/Silent Killers: Contact Bureau of Consumer Protection--Philadelphia Branch about a tour/discussion.
Address: 21 S. 12th St., 2nd Fl., Philadelphia, PA, 19107 Phone: (215) 560-2414
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Address: 701 Market St., Philadelphia, PA, 19106 Phone: (215) 597-9105
Recycling: Visit a recycling center. Take a trip to one of the community groups dedicated to improving air/water/recyling efforts, listed at http://www.cleanair.org/recyclingalliance/about_us.html
School Store: Take a trip to Kmart to brainstorm and price items for the school store. Contact local businesses about partnerships.
Tutoring: Contact Center for Literacy re: a tour and scheduling tutor training.
Center City/South
1315 Walnut St.
15th Floor
Contact: Scott Bostwick
Session 1: Tues. June 10
2. PLAN for extended (90 minute) service meetings on Wed. May 28 and Thurs. June 5th. Any research, links, pictures, diagrams, information should also be posted to your blog.
3. Catch up on all/any missing blog posts. Make sure your reflections are complete and professional.
4. PLAN for next year's service learning. Brainstorm ideas to share with your group.
Some IDEAS for Extended Service Time:
Africa Group: Contact the NCC about possibility of another event like the awareness week they did last summer: http://www.constitutioncenter.org/PressRoom/PressReleases/2007_06_28_17784.shtml
Contact/trip to African American Museum to discuss possible partnership in raising money and awareness for Darfur.
Community Giving: Contact about tour, partnership, other opportunities for helping area children.
Children's Aid Society
Address: 1315 Walnut St., Suite 1004 Phone: (215) 546-2990
Children's Service, Inc.
Address: 1315 Walnut St., 3rd Fl., Philadelphia, PA, 19107 Phone: (215) 546-3503
Childhood Cancer- go to McCall or another outdoor area and assess, fact-find for planning if it would be a good place to have a fundraiser/fair in the fall.
Fundred:Contact Ballard Spahr about visiting their print shop and possibility of assisting with printing of Fundred materials. Contact printers and visit with presentation re; donations. Marathon, 215 238 1100, 9 N. 3rd Street;
Sir Speedy printers (215) 627-2777, 47 N 8th Street
Garden- Take the bus down to the Lowe's on Delaware Ave and price soil, containers, plants, and other materials. Go back to NCC and make detailed sketches.
Homelessness: Contact The Employment Project ( Leona Smith, 246 Arch Street, Phone: 215-923-1694) about meeting with her and finding out about the program. Take a trip to one of the shelters you have researched. Take a trip to Kmart and price the cost of creating a care package, and talk to Kmart management about discounts.
Language/Seniors: Plan a trip to St George's retirement home.
Contact the Rittenhouse Care Center re: trip, partnership: 1526 Lombard St
Philadelphia, PA 19106, (215) 735-0243
Library: Trip to Central Branch. Trip to Borders (Broad and Chestnut) to price and find high interest books. Trip to Independence branch. Work on projects at school library.
Nutrition: Walk up to the Superfresh at 5th and Locust. Price a variety of items (fruit, veggies, lunchmeat, bread, milk, junk food). Ask the manager why food prices have gone up, why fresh fruit is more expensive than junk food, why organic is 2x more expensive than conventional fruit. Determine the cost of healthily feeding a family of four for one week.
PSA/NHD: Contact Masterman HS about collaboration/sharing tips for successful NHD projects. Trip to the National Archives for tips for planning projects.
Pollution/Silent Killers: Contact Bureau of Consumer Protection--Philadelphia Branch about a tour/discussion.
Address: 21 S. 12th St., 2nd Fl., Philadelphia, PA, 19107 Phone: (215) 560-2414
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Address: 701 Market St., Philadelphia, PA, 19106 Phone: (215) 597-9105
Recycling: Visit a recycling center. Take a trip to one of the community groups dedicated to improving air/water/recyling efforts, listed at http://www.cleanair.org/recyclingalliance/about_us.html
School Store: Take a trip to Kmart to brainstorm and price items for the school store. Contact local businesses about partnerships.
Tutoring: Contact Center for Literacy re: a tour and scheduling tutor training.
Center City/South
1315 Walnut St.
15th Floor
Contact: Scott Bostwick
Session 1: Tues. June 10
Monday, May 19, 2008
Service Learning: May 19 - May 23
1. Provide a thorough reflection of Thursday May 15 meeting, including any research and planning that you are responsible for.
A. Describe three moments of frustration, indecision, success, doubt, realization that have happened during your meeting, and how you dealt with these emotions.
B. Through service learning I have learned the following about the issue of:
C. How have your values or stereotypes been changed through this experience?
D. Through service learning I have learned the following about myself:
2. MAKE-UP any missing blogs.
Service learning will be CANCELED this week and made up the first week of June. Use this time for make up work.
If you were absent or do NOT have notes on a specific week, you must do the make-up assignment posted below. This is a double credit make-up, and requires reading and 4 paragraphs of reflection.
Make-Up Assignment May 19-23 (double credit):
Write a thorough (at least 4 paragraph) reflection/response to Fareed Zakaria's article "The Rise of the Rest: Living in the Post-American World"
First paragraph: What examples does he provide that show the rest of the world is rising above America?
Second paragraph: What are the positive outcomes of the rest of the world rising out of poverty?
Third paragraph: What is globalization and how can it positively and negatively affect American economic and social life?
Fourth paragraph: your own opinions, ideas, and thoughts about the essay.
A. Describe three moments of frustration, indecision, success, doubt, realization that have happened during your meeting, and how you dealt with these emotions.
B. Through service learning I have learned the following about the issue of:
C. How have your values or stereotypes been changed through this experience?
D. Through service learning I have learned the following about myself:
2. MAKE-UP any missing blogs.
Service learning will be CANCELED this week and made up the first week of June. Use this time for make up work.
If you were absent or do NOT have notes on a specific week, you must do the make-up assignment posted below. This is a double credit make-up, and requires reading and 4 paragraphs of reflection.
Make-Up Assignment May 19-23 (double credit):
Write a thorough (at least 4 paragraph) reflection/response to Fareed Zakaria's article "The Rise of the Rest: Living in the Post-American World"
First paragraph: What examples does he provide that show the rest of the world is rising above America?
Second paragraph: What are the positive outcomes of the rest of the world rising out of poverty?
Third paragraph: What is globalization and how can it positively and negatively affect American economic and social life?
Fourth paragraph: your own opinions, ideas, and thoughts about the essay.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Service Learning: May 12 - May 16
1. Reflect on Friday's meeting (May 9). Specifically answer:
a. What have I learned about our group's topic?
b. What have I learned about myself through service learning?
c. If I were in charge of this group I would change:
2. Plan for Thursday May 15 meeting. Post at least 3 ideas, polls, information, websites, or resources on your topic.
3. Talk to a friend in a different group, or read a blog from a different group. List 3 things that you found out about the other group.
4. EC/Make-up Assignment:
Read and summarize the article: McCain's Seven Steps to Beating Obama
a. What have I learned about our group's topic?
b. What have I learned about myself through service learning?
c. If I were in charge of this group I would change:
2. Plan for Thursday May 15 meeting. Post at least 3 ideas, polls, information, websites, or resources on your topic.
3. Talk to a friend in a different group, or read a blog from a different group. List 3 things that you found out about the other group.
4. EC/Make-up Assignment:
Read and summarize the article: McCain's Seven Steps to Beating Obama
Monday, May 5, 2008
Service Learning- May 5 - May 9
1. REFLECT on Thursday May 1 meeting in DETAIL.
USE iMovie to record yourself talking about service learning so far. (Please use STUDENT sign in).
Talk about:
What was successful? What challenges or problems did you encounter?
What have you learned so far?
What needs to be worked on for the coming weeks?
What should be changed for next year?
EXPORT the movie for web (Quicktime)
IMPORT to your blog.
SEE ME for help if needed.
2. PLAN for Friday MAY 9 meeting.
Post any information, research, ideas, plans that you are working on.
EMAIL your group members, staff mentor, AND me with any ideas and information that you find.
3. Extra Credit/Make-up Assignment. If you are missing work:
Go to http://people.howstuffworks.com/superdelegate.htm
1. What are superdelegates?
2. What are the Pros of Superdelegates?
3.What are the Cons of Superdelegates?
USE iMovie to record yourself talking about service learning so far. (Please use STUDENT sign in).
Talk about:
What was successful? What challenges or problems did you encounter?
What have you learned so far?
What needs to be worked on for the coming weeks?
What should be changed for next year?
EXPORT the movie for web (Quicktime)
IMPORT to your blog.
SEE ME for help if needed.
2. PLAN for Friday MAY 9 meeting.
Post any information, research, ideas, plans that you are working on.
EMAIL your group members, staff mentor, AND me with any ideas and information that you find.
3. Extra Credit/Make-up Assignment. If you are missing work:
Go to http://people.howstuffworks.com/superdelegate.htm
1. What are superdelegates?
2. What are the Pros of Superdelegates?
3.What are the Cons of Superdelegates?
Service Learning- May 5 - May 9
1. REFLECT on Thursday May 1 meeting in DETAIL.
USE iMovie to record yourself talking about service learning so far.
What was successful? What challenges or problems did you encounter? What have you learned so far?
What needs to be worked on for the coming weeks? What should be changed for next year?
EXPORT the movie for web (Quicktime)
IMPORT to your blog.
2. PLAN for Friday MAY 9 meeting.
Post any information, research, ideas, plans that you are working on.
EMAIL your group members, staff mentor, AND me with any ideas and information that you find.
3. Extra Credit/Make-up Assignment. If you are missing work:
Go to http://people.howstuffworks.com/superdelegate.htm
1. What are superdelegates?
2. What are the Pros of Superdelegates?
3.What are the Cons of Superdelegates?
USE iMovie to record yourself talking about service learning so far.
What was successful? What challenges or problems did you encounter? What have you learned so far?
What needs to be worked on for the coming weeks? What should be changed for next year?
EXPORT the movie for web (Quicktime)
IMPORT to your blog.
2. PLAN for Friday MAY 9 meeting.
Post any information, research, ideas, plans that you are working on.
EMAIL your group members, staff mentor, AND me with any ideas and information that you find.
3. Extra Credit/Make-up Assignment. If you are missing work:
Go to http://people.howstuffworks.com/superdelegate.htm
1. What are superdelegates?
2. What are the Pros of Superdelegates?
3.What are the Cons of Superdelegates?
Monday, April 28, 2008
Service Learning - April 28 - May 2
1. REFLECT on Friday's meeting in DETAIL.
What was successful and useful about the meeting?
What challenges or problems did you encounter?
What needs to be worked on for the coming weeks?
What role will you play in the group?
2. PLAN for THURS. May 1 meeting.
Post any information, research, ideas, plans that you are working on.
EMAIL your group members, staff mentor, AND me with any ideas and information that you find.
3. Extra Credit/Make-up Assignment. If you are missing work:
READ this article that compares Obama's and Lincoln's speeches on race and RESPOND/REFLECT on your blog.
What was successful and useful about the meeting?
What challenges or problems did you encounter?
What needs to be worked on for the coming weeks?
What role will you play in the group?
2. PLAN for THURS. May 1 meeting.
Post any information, research, ideas, plans that you are working on.
EMAIL your group members, staff mentor, AND me with any ideas and information that you find.
3. Extra Credit/Make-up Assignment. If you are missing work:
READ this article that compares Obama's and Lincoln's speeches on race and RESPOND/REFLECT on your blog.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Service Learning- April 21-25
1. Reflect on Thursday's meeting via your blog. Group leaders should also email me with questions, ideas, and notes. Required: three positives about the meeting, and three challenges you face.
What questions do you still have about your mission and role in your group?
2. Choose a role that you would like to play in your group. Be prepared to discuss roles and responsibilities at Friday, April 25, meeting. You should alos have any assignments from Thurs. April 17 meeting posted on your blog.

Other roles could be
Photographer / Videographer (takes and keeps digital photos and videos of meetings, trips, and classes)
Researcher (finds and maintains a website with all group research; goes to IMC to find research during meeting times)
Runner (send messages to teachers and other groups, picks up materials during group time)
If you have other ideas for a role, please let me know.
ALL groups must fulfill every role BEFORE assigning two people to the same role.
What questions do you still have about your mission and role in your group?
2. Choose a role that you would like to play in your group. Be prepared to discuss roles and responsibilities at Friday, April 25, meeting. You should alos have any assignments from Thurs. April 17 meeting posted on your blog.

Other roles could be
Photographer / Videographer (takes and keeps digital photos and videos of meetings, trips, and classes)
Researcher (finds and maintains a website with all group research; goes to IMC to find research during meeting times)
Runner (send messages to teachers and other groups, picks up materials during group time)
If you have other ideas for a role, please let me know.
ALL groups must fulfill every role BEFORE assigning two people to the same role.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Work for Mon. April 14 - Fri. April 18
Class of 2010-
Bio Work (Ms. Thomas)
"All in the Family" (PBS): http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/change/family
Service Learning:
1. Reflect on Friday's meeting via blog. Please discuss three positives about the meeting, and three aspects that we need to improve. What questions do you still have about your mission and role in your group?
2. Summarize one site that relates to your topic. List three ideas you got from this site that you could use in your service learning group.
Bio Work (Ms. Thomas)
"All in the Family" (PBS): http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/change/family
Service Learning:
1. Reflect on Friday's meeting via blog. Please discuss three positives about the meeting, and three aspects that we need to improve. What questions do you still have about your mission and role in your group?
2. Summarize one site that relates to your topic. List three ideas you got from this site that you could use in your service learning group.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
1.You need to pick your SCHOOL-WIDE service topic. You can join one of the groups below, or suggest your own topic and group.
2. You need to pick your group. Who would you like to work with? Talk to your friends/peers and get a group together. Groups will be 10-15 students, so if you only have a few people, you will be combined with another small group.
3. Give me 2-3 staff members you would like to work with.
4. Where and what you plan to do for INDEPENDENT service hours. Completion of the 15 hours will be 25% of your service learning grade.
CONTINUE to blog about your ideas and putting ALL best practices (research, papers, projects, awards, journals, etc) on YOUR BLOG!
School Wide Service Learning Ideas
Idea: "Franks for Frankie" Fundraiser.
Overview: Bridget is planning a fundraiser for Sat. May 3 to benefit children's cancer research. She has a personal connection to the foundation, and already has a location and some donors lined up, but needs a lot of help contacting donors, making flyers, doing brochures about the disease, and more.
Students: Bridget, Nancy, Ian, Brittany C, Brittany D, Julia, Kris
Idea: "Homelessness"
Overview: Research and creating a project on homelessness (causes, statistics, effects on society, solutions). Volunteering in homeless shelter?
Students: Ashante, Ishmael, Nate-Monique, Wanda, Tory, Dwayne, Lecaryn , Shaniya
Staff Mentor: Mr. Ackerman
Idea: "Surviving NHD" Overview: Research and creating a project on the ins and outs of NHD. Student Head: Lashay & Kameko
Idea: "NHD Documentary" Overview: Research and creating a "how-To" & curriculum for NHD Docs. Student HEad: David T & Harry N.
Idea: Public Service Announcements Overview: Create an advertisement (video or print) about a topic such as heart disease, environmental toxins, nutrition
Students: Nikki
Staff Mentor: Ms. Thompson
Idea: Library Services
Overview: Assisting in expanding the school library by writing proposals and requests for free books and textbooks. Writing grants to buy books and magazines. Learning how to add new books to our system. Learning to scan books in and out.
Student Head: Jasmine & Michelle
Staff Mentor: Deb Mullin
Idea: Darfur and Sudan
Overview: Creating an educational campaign about the atrocities in Darfur and Sudan. Research, Public Service Announcements, Interviews. Fundraising.
Student Head: Brittany S & Aquilla W. John S, John S
Idea: Tutoring (In School)
Overview: Before school, lunch, after school. Creating small group or pair instruction to assist lower performing students in a variety of subjects. Working with core teachers to use benchmark and other testing results to identify potential tutors and tutees, as well as core materials to review.
Student Head: Kris
Staff Mentor: Ms. McMillan
Idea: Recycling
Overview: Students will work on designing better and more sustainable containers. Education campaign about the toxicity of various non-recycled materials (batteries, plastic bottles) Measuring real world effects on the community.
Student Head:
Student Staff: AP Bio Class?
Staff Mentor: Karen Thomas
Idea: Nutrition
Overview: Buying and making nutritions sandwiches, salads, and fruit plates for sale at lunch. Research and presentation on nutrition and connection to heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses, and how nutrition affects larger ommunity.
Students: Derrelle and Antoinette
Staff: Ms. Martin?
Idea: Community Giving
Overview: Food and clothing drives for homeless shelter, childrens hospital. Research and presentation of issues. Ongoing fundraising/collection.
Students: Michel Lee, Equilla Lewis-Cooper, Porsha Moore, Felicia Green, Renee Jackson, Christa Pullins, Amie Sarnor
Idea: Children in the Community
Overview: Learning about early childhood education, creating games and skits for children, volunteering at local daycares.
Students: Candance Bond, Taylor Benns, Shakeelah Spain, Quincy Adams, Samira Elliott, Vondell Saunders, Natina Garner, Tihira Johnson, Andrew Howard, Todd Latimore
Idea: Community Garden
Overview: Researching and creating a green space either at the National Museum of Jewish History, the NCC, or at our school. Fundraising and learning about sustainable plant life.
Student Head: Khayree Jackson
Staff: Mr. Carpenter?
2. You need to pick your group. Who would you like to work with? Talk to your friends/peers and get a group together. Groups will be 10-15 students, so if you only have a few people, you will be combined with another small group.
3. Give me 2-3 staff members you would like to work with.
4. Where and what you plan to do for INDEPENDENT service hours. Completion of the 15 hours will be 25% of your service learning grade.
CONTINUE to blog about your ideas and putting ALL best practices (research, papers, projects, awards, journals, etc) on YOUR BLOG!
School Wide Service Learning Ideas
Idea: "Franks for Frankie" Fundraiser.
Overview: Bridget is planning a fundraiser for Sat. May 3 to benefit children's cancer research. She has a personal connection to the foundation, and already has a location and some donors lined up, but needs a lot of help contacting donors, making flyers, doing brochures about the disease, and more.
Students: Bridget, Nancy, Ian, Brittany C, Brittany D, Julia, Kris
Idea: "Homelessness"
Overview: Research and creating a project on homelessness (causes, statistics, effects on society, solutions). Volunteering in homeless shelter?
Students: Ashante, Ishmael, Nate-Monique, Wanda, Tory, Dwayne, Lecaryn , Shaniya
Staff Mentor: Mr. Ackerman
Idea: "Surviving NHD" Overview: Research and creating a project on the ins and outs of NHD. Student Head: Lashay & Kameko
Idea: "NHD Documentary" Overview: Research and creating a "how-To" & curriculum for NHD Docs. Student HEad: David T & Harry N.
Idea: Public Service Announcements Overview: Create an advertisement (video or print) about a topic such as heart disease, environmental toxins, nutrition
Students: Nikki
Staff Mentor: Ms. Thompson
Idea: Library Services
Overview: Assisting in expanding the school library by writing proposals and requests for free books and textbooks. Writing grants to buy books and magazines. Learning how to add new books to our system. Learning to scan books in and out.
Student Head: Jasmine & Michelle
Staff Mentor: Deb Mullin
Idea: Darfur and Sudan
Overview: Creating an educational campaign about the atrocities in Darfur and Sudan. Research, Public Service Announcements, Interviews. Fundraising.
Student Head: Brittany S & Aquilla W. John S, John S
Idea: Tutoring (In School)
Overview: Before school, lunch, after school. Creating small group or pair instruction to assist lower performing students in a variety of subjects. Working with core teachers to use benchmark and other testing results to identify potential tutors and tutees, as well as core materials to review.
Student Head: Kris
Staff Mentor: Ms. McMillan
Idea: Recycling
Overview: Students will work on designing better and more sustainable containers. Education campaign about the toxicity of various non-recycled materials (batteries, plastic bottles) Measuring real world effects on the community.
Student Head:
Student Staff: AP Bio Class?
Staff Mentor: Karen Thomas
Idea: Nutrition
Overview: Buying and making nutritions sandwiches, salads, and fruit plates for sale at lunch. Research and presentation on nutrition and connection to heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses, and how nutrition affects larger ommunity.
Students: Derrelle and Antoinette
Staff: Ms. Martin?
Idea: Community Giving
Overview: Food and clothing drives for homeless shelter, childrens hospital. Research and presentation of issues. Ongoing fundraising/collection.
Students: Michel Lee, Equilla Lewis-Cooper, Porsha Moore, Felicia Green, Renee Jackson, Christa Pullins, Amie Sarnor
Idea: Children in the Community
Overview: Learning about early childhood education, creating games and skits for children, volunteering at local daycares.
Students: Candance Bond, Taylor Benns, Shakeelah Spain, Quincy Adams, Samira Elliott, Vondell Saunders, Natina Garner, Tihira Johnson, Andrew Howard, Todd Latimore
Idea: Community Garden
Overview: Researching and creating a green space either at the National Museum of Jewish History, the NCC, or at our school. Fundraising and learning about sustainable plant life.
Student Head: Khayree Jackson
Staff: Mr. Carpenter?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Service Links and Opportunities
Class of 2010-
We need to seriously get to work on Independent and School-wide Service Projects.
I would like the projects to be determined by March 28, 2008. So far, the class of 2011 has more definite project proposals- including fundraising for childhood cancer (Franks for Frankie) and Education & Action campaign against human rights abuses in Darfur.
Put your ideas in the COMMENTS section!
Links for worthwhile Youth oriented service:
Here is your service form if you need it:
We need to seriously get to work on Independent and School-wide Service Projects.
I would like the projects to be determined by March 28, 2008. So far, the class of 2011 has more definite project proposals- including fundraising for childhood cancer (Franks for Frankie) and Education & Action campaign against human rights abuses in Darfur.
Put your ideas in the COMMENTS section!
Links for worthwhile Youth oriented service:
Here is your service form if you need it:

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
NHD Reflection
Please reflect on the NHD process.
1. Topic, Category, Partners
2. What you learned (Be specific, talk about what you learned about your topic, working in groups, your project, and overall NHD experience).
3. Successes
4. Challenges
5. Changes and suggestions for next year.
The more detailed the better. This is a 50 point project.
1. Topic, Category, Partners
2. What you learned (Be specific, talk about what you learned about your topic, working in groups, your project, and overall NHD experience).
3. Successes
4. Challenges
5. Changes and suggestions for next year.
The more detailed the better. This is a 50 point project.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Service Learning- March 3-7
Students will determine 5 independent service opportunities.
Students will suggest 6 ideas for Schoolwide projects
1. Brainstorm- what interests you? Why is service important?
2. MAKE Contacts
3. Blog results- contacts, ideas, places, people you emailed/spoke to, etc
BLOG- all progress and ideas for service should be posted to blog
Tour your neighborhood to find 2-3 places close to home where you can complete 15 hrs
Research 10 block radius from the school to find places we can work with for this year
HELPFUL Websites:
Students will determine 5 independent service opportunities.
Students will suggest 6 ideas for Schoolwide projects
1. Brainstorm- what interests you? Why is service important?
2. MAKE Contacts
3. Blog results- contacts, ideas, places, people you emailed/spoke to, etc
BLOG- all progress and ideas for service should be posted to blog
- INDEPENDENT SERVICE - 5 places you have researched for 15 hours
- SCHOOLWIDE Project- 6 Ideas for schoolwide. PICK 1 or 2 to research in depth.
Tour your neighborhood to find 2-3 places close to home where you can complete 15 hrs
Research 10 block radius from the school to find places we can work with for this year
HELPFUL Websites:
Monday, February 4, 2008
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